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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Night Pictures

Just a quick post to say, I forgot how much I love night photography.  I haven't done night pictures in a while, and it was really fun.  It would have been a bit easier if I didn't have children to chase and had brought my tripod, but it was still fun. 

 photo train02wm_zps78baa18d.jpg

 photo train03wm_zps3d2dae1a.jpg

And this one is my favorite of the night:  photo train01wm_zps6fcb235b.jpg


Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, Andrea! I'm so glad that you continue to pursue the photography "honing" and that you share with bloggers! We LOVE your photos!

Love, the Johnson team

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the chasing kids part!! Great photos!

libbywilko said...

Love that Love photo too, great vibrancy to your images.

Mom said...

My favorite is the top one. I love the angles!