Blogger Layouts

Friday, March 18, 2016

It's been too long

Where have I been?  Inside my head, way too much. I think I've been suffering from "overthinking," too much stress, not enough me time, and lack of sleep (in an attempt to get some me time).  Ah well, what mother doesn't suffer from all of this, right?  Here are a few pictures to catch myself up.

 photo Sleeping T 05 bw small wm_zpscxonqvdk.jpg

 photo Wagon 08 demure small wm_zpsnwkxtwzk.jpg

 photo My girls 02 wm_zps9aljoemb.jpg

 photo After kids have gone to bed 03 wm_zpsvuxtstxq.jpg


T said...

It is pure joy to visit your blog. Bliss supreme, my dear artist.

AJay said...

Thank you so much! Your kind words mean so much to me!