Blogger Layouts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

And baby makes three: part 2

Just a few more of my brother and his wife.

I really like this one in black and white, but the color one looks nice too. Guess it depends on my what my brother and his wife like.



I know this one is probably an "outtake" picture, but I love the large smiles and real laugh that they were sharing.



Anonymous said...

Hi! I found your blog on google,and was very impressed by your talent for photograpy!your being able to do this and more is graet!Keep up the GOOD WORK! :)

(BTW I love these pictures! ;) )

AJay said...

Oh my goodness, thank you so much for your kind words. You have certainly made my day. I think I'll be smiling for a month due to your inspiring words. Thank you!

Christina said...

Your so blessed,Mrs.Read!!!!