My daughters are amazing. They don't know how much pain my husband and I are in right now, but they seem to know that I need more kisses and hugs. I've been very careful to not cry in front of them, but somehow...they know. I think our guardian angels must be speaking to one another and whispering hints into their ears. I'm so grateful for my girls. They snuggle with me, kiss me, hug me, and point out all the beauty that is around us. Just the other day, one of my girls show the tiniest little butterfly sitting on a small clover blossom. I don't know that I've ever seen such a small butterfly up close, so I had to get a picture.
Dear Lord, thank you for my family. You know what we need, and you always provide.
Hugs to you both. Lots of Love.
Andrea - That is EXQUISITE!
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