My youngest had her first birthday! There are days I can't believe it has been a year since she was born, and there are other days I can't believe it's been only a year. Little Thumper continues to brings us joy and confound us with her stubbornness and dislike of sleep. She loves her sisters, loves to play, but is often quite serious. She's a funny little honey, and our family wouldn't be complete without her. I love her so much! Oh, and she gives THE BEST hugs. Really. She does. They are amazing.
Here she is on her birthday:
In other exciting news, my SIL had her second baby! I have a new little niece, and I can't wait to meet her in June! Oh, the months can't pass quickly enough.
We had some excitement on Saturday when Peanut saw a snake in our yard. Thankfully it was a harmless ribbon snake, and thankfully Peanut saw it before she stepped on it. Am I the only one who thinks it looks silly resting on a dandelion? That seems so...unsnake-like.

Also, Peanut, who is four, got her first haircut. She was incredibly excited to go to the "beauty salon," and claims they "cut only three hairs." Oh, my silly munchkins.